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30% | Participation

The participation grade is divided into three parts: a student presentation, a student discussion, and student engagement.


During each class meeting, a student group will make 15 minute presentation about weekly mandatory reading. The student group making the presentation prepares and shares a two-page reading note, that is due 24 hours before the class meeting for the presentation.

S1 - The group presenting:

  1. Prepares a Reading Note of the mandatory reading.
  2. Shares a link to the reading note on the chat 24h in advance of the presentation.
  3. Prepares a 15 minutes presentation.

S2 - The group presenting:

  1. Prepares and compiles a reading note pdf using VSCode and the starter found on GitHub.
  2. Sends the reading note in pdf format on the chat 24h in advance of the presentation.
  3. Prepares a 15 minutes presentation.

All other students are expected to have read the mandatory reading and are ready to engage in the discussion.


After each presentation, a student is randomly selected to be the discussant. The discussant makes a 5 minute comment on the paper and the presentation. He brings a new perspective to the table. The discussant's grade will be assigned to the group to whom the discussant belongs.

Mental Model


Students are expected to be active during the class meetings and actively participating and engaging in the ongoing class activities. Students are also expected to be active on the communication platform, that is by asking questions or by helping their peers when they have questions. For more details see the Communication guidelines in the syllabus.