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40% | Research Project

Students are required to submit a project, in the form of a co-authored and reproducible research paper that uses some of the methods and tools introduced during the course. You will apply the skills and concepts learned in this course to answer a research question that can be tackled using the ANES 2020 dataset.

The objective behind the constraint on the data is to get you working with real data on a research project as quickly as possible. In this paper, you will prepare the data, visualize and describe your data, discuss the limitations of the data, carry out a motivated and valid model implementation, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of your model.


The project will be evaluated based on four criteria:

Criteria Description
Code The code is of good quality and appropriately documented.
Methods The statistical methods applied to the data and question are appropriate.
Mechanics The paper exhibits a good command of academic prose.
Organization The paragraphs support the main argument in a coherent way.