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From Transformations to Models


  • Theory
    • What is a model?
    • Identify and quantify variable relationships
    • Interpret results from simple linear regression models
  • Code
    • Train a simple linear regression model
    • Produce model summary tables
    • Make predictions using a trained model
  • Application
    • Interpret regression table outputs
    • Integrate regression tables into markdown documents


Data Modeling

We have started to use data to answer questions using descriptive statistics such as df['some_variable'].mean(). We have also learned how to use visualizations to identify variable relationships and trends using df[](). People often says that an image is worth a 1000 words. Images are a great tool to convey a message however, our perceptions can be biased [@lewandowsky1989perception]. Let's take a closer look.

Relationships between variables can be complex to see

Adding random lines?

Is it a Strong relationship?

Is the relationship observed due to random chance?

  • To avoid such biases, we can quantify the strength of relationships using statistical models (e.g. Linear Regression)

What is a model?

# Create data
my_data = pd.DataFrame({
    'time_to_iep': [16.93, 19.49, 18.21, 19.09, 17.67, 18.48, 16.37, 17.57, 19.18, 18.74, 17.15, 17.76, 17.2, 19.78, 18.34,
                    17.93, 18.09, 17.14, 19.41, 17.99, 16.54, 18.42, 16.65, 19.83, 18.32, 18.13, 16.72, 18.05, 18.5, 19.45,
                    17.22, 17.32, 19.48, 18.93, 18.69, 18.78, 18.58, 18.8, 18.28, 20.06, 18.12, 18.64, 18.16, 17.44, 18.96,
                    17.55, 19.09, 17.95, 21.01, 18.19]

# Visualize
my_data['time_to_iep'].plot.hist(alpha=0.5, bins=10)

# Add a vertical line at the mean
mean_value = my_data['time_to_iep'].mean()
plt.axvline(mean_value, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=3.5)
# Annotate the mean value on the plot
plt.text(mean_value, 4.5, f" {mean_value:.2f}", color='red', ha='left', fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Time to IEP')
plt.title('Histogram of Time to IEP')


  • Code
    • Train a simple linear regression model
    • Produce model summary tables
    • Make predictions using a trained model


  • Application
    • Interpret regression table outputs
    • Integrate regression tables into markdown documents

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