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This schedule is an approximation, subject to change due needs of the students in the course. Students will be informed of changes to the schedule.

Groups Info
  • Group 1: Margaux LG., Sofia S. Sébastien F., Yemmanuil G.,
  • Group 2: Mahe DL., Chloé C., Maddalena M., Rose Marie P., Victoria S.
  • Group 3: Alessandro B., Anaïs J., Justine L. Riccardo C.,
  • Group 4: Adelina D., Roberto S., Sebastian SG. Valerio P.,
  • Class: Indicates that there is a class meeting this day. Also contains a link to the class meeting materials.
  • Presentation: Indicates that there is a student presentation this day. Contains a link to the instructions.
  • Milestone: Indicates that there is a milestone due before the next class. Contains a link to the instructions.
  • Project: Indicates that there is final project due on the specified date. Contains a link to the instructions.


First Semester

Date Class Meeting Presentation Deadline
2024/09/12 Introduction
2024/09/25 The Scientific Method Onboarding
2024/10/09 From Concepts to Variables - G1 Idea
2024/10/23 From Variables to Data - G2
2024/11/06 From Data to Insights - G3 Proposal
2024/11/20 From Insights to Comparisons - G4
2024/12/04 What's Next? Exploration

Second Semester

Date Class Meeting Presentation Deadline
2025/02/05 From Comparisons to Transformations
2025/02/19 From Transformations to Models - G1 Update
2025/02/26 From Models to Inference - G2
2025/03/12 From Inference to Intuition - G3
2025/03/19 From Intuition to Communication - G4
2025/03/26 From Communication to Publication Project