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30% | Coding challenges

Coding Challenges

Coding challenges are small puzzles that are shared by the instructor. Learning data science requires you to continuously practice what you learn. There are a lot of new bits of information that you will acquire during every class meeting. The aim of these coding challenges is to provide students with new opportunities to apply what you learn during the weekly meetings in new but similar contexts. There will be some time during the class meetings to start working on these challenges, and to address any question, but most of it will be completed after class.

  • :fontawesome-solid-exclamation-triangle: The coding challenges are ALWAYS due before the beginning of the next class meeting.


Each challenge is shared with the students at least 5 days before the next session.

  1. You start by opening the coding challenge by clicking the challenge icon on the Schedule page.
  2. When you are inside the notebook click on "File" -> "Save a copy in Drive"
    • A new notebook is created named "Copy of ...".
    • :fontawesome-solid-exclamation-triangle: Don't skip this step otherwise you won't be able to save or submit your work!
  3. Rename the notebook called "Copy of ..." appropriately. This is the notebook for your assignment.
    • You can start working inside the newly generated and renamed notebook
  4. Once you are ready to submit your work click the "Share" button then on the "Copy link" button.
    • Verify that your link works by opening it in a new browser window.
    • You should see your latest edits inside the this notebook.
  5. Send a private message to the instructor on Gitter
    • In your message include the course name (itds), assignment type (eg. chall-1), and the copied link to your notebook.
    • Submission are considered until the start of the next session.
    • Late submissions will not be considered!

When you are stuck during a coding challenge, try to solve your bugs (e.g. Google your error messages). Trying to solve your errors and bugs will help you build the mindset needed to be successful in this course and will help you better understand the tools we use throughout the course.

  • If you are stuck for too long (>30mins) during a challenge, take a break and revisit try again later.
  • If you are still stuck after revisiting your problem with a fresh mindset ask for help using the communication platform! Don't be shy, it is very likely that other students might be able to help you!


Challenges will be graded based on the best five out of six individual grades. Grades follow a 4-category scale:

Icon Description
✓+ Exceptional, above and beyond what was expected
Completed with good effort
✓- Acceptable, but major deficiencies
Unacceptable; did not submit
