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30% | Participation

The participation grade is divided into three parts: Live demos, class engagement, and online engagement.

:fontawesome-solid-chalkboard-teacher: Live demo

Students are expected to do a live demo that helps the class understand a topic during a class meeting. A live demo is an hands-on demonstration that introduces a programming, or statistical concept applied to social science and illustrates how to leverage it with coded examples.

  • The live demo lasts no longer than 15 minutes.
  • The student presenting has to prepare a handout that he shares with the group before the class meeting.
  • Handout template

Class Engagement

Students are expected to be actively participating, engaged and focused during class activities.

Online Engagement

Students are also expected to be active on the communication platform, that is by asking questions or by helping their peers when they have questions. For more details see the Communication guidelines in the syllabus.