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From Concepts to Code (Second take)


  • Miscellaneous
  • Challenge Two Review
  • Functions, Packages and Data (second take)
  • Pandas and visualisations
    • Live Demo - Intro to visualisations


  • Chat questions & notifications

Challenge 2 Review

  • Concepts & questions
    • wording matters!
    • it is never perfect
  • Answer choices
    • options you provide inform about the type of variable
  • Types of data
    • lists and tuples are different!
    • use type()

Notebook (same as last week)

For next time

  • :fontawesome-solid-laptop-house: Recommended Practice
  • :fontawesome-solid-chalkboard-teacher: Live Demo
    • Book an appointment with the instructor.
    • Prepare a handout using the template and share it before the class meeting!
    • Prepare a 10 minutes live demo.