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This schedule is an approximation, subject to change due needs of the students in the course. Students will be informed of changes to the schedule.


  • Class: Indicates that there is a class meeting on this day. Contains a link to the materials.
  • Demo: Indicates that there is a live demo on this day. Contains a link to the instructions.
  • Challenge: Indicates that there is a coding challenge due before class on this day. Contains a link to the instructions.
  • Project: Indicates that there is a project due on the specified date. Contains a link to the instructions.

Semester 1

Date Module Class Demo Deadline
2021/09/16 Introduction
2021/09/23 Tools Onboarding
2021/09/30 Science, Code, and Voter Turnout - C1
2021/10/07 A Respondent's Survey Data
2021/10/14 From Concepts to Code
2021/10/21 Introduction to Data Visualisation
2021/10/28 Exploring Single Variables - C2
2021/11/18 Exploring Variable Relationships
2021/11/23 Retrospective - Tue. 15h45-17h15
2021/11/25 Recoding Existing Values
2021/12/02 Dealing with Missing Values
2021/12/09 Grouping and Summarising - C3

Semester 2

Date Module Class Demo Deadline
2022/01/06 Data Modeling
2022/01/13 Data Modeling
2022/01/20 Data Modeling - C4
2022/01/27 Data Modeling
2022/02/03 Evaluation
2022/02/10 Evaluation
2022/02/17 Evaluation - C5
2022/03/03 Evaluation
2022/03/10 Communication
2022/03/17 Communication
2022/03/19 Galop - Challenge 6 - C6
2022/03/24 Communication
2022/03/31 Communication
2022/04/10 Final Report Deadline Project